What You Do with Money from 20


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Jun 01, 2023

What You Do with Money from 20

Member-only story Joseph Mavericks Follow DataDrivenInvestor -- Share Almost everywhere in the world we live in, money is necessary for survival, and more money usually means more security, stability,

Member-only story

Joseph Mavericks





Almost everywhere in the world we live in, money is necessary for survival, and more money usually means more security, stability, and freedom.

Ever since I was a teenager, I aspired to make a lot of money. When I was 20 years old, I set out to build an app with one of my best friends, with the goal of selling it for millions within a few years. One time we were talking about how things were going with my parents in the living room and my dad said:

“You know son, we’ve all wanted to be the next Mark Zuckerberg at some point in our teenage years. For most of us that didn’t work out, and it’s fine if it doesn’t for you.”

And it didn’t work out. My friend was in charge of the design and I was doing all of the coding, and after a few months, it went nowhere. We met up with a coder who quoted us $10,000 to turn our web prototype into an iOS app and didn’t want equity in the company in exchange for “free” work. We registered a few trademarks and designs in fear somebody would “steal our idea”. But really, this went nowhere.

5 years later, I had a regular 9–5 job and realized that if I didn’t start making extra money on the side, I would be trapped forever. I didn’t hate my job, in fact, I loved it. But I always wanted more, so I started looking for a side hustle. I started writing online.

Within a few months, I was making more money than I thought I would ever make on the internet. It wasn’t millions, but when you added it all together with the digital products I was selling and my 9–5 salary, it was a lot more money than I needed to live a decent life.

Then my girlfriend and I bought a house, and we filled it with furniture and stuff. And the more we started buying things and getting a car, and more stuff, the more I realized “Wait a minute, this is all very expensive.”

That’s when I started to realize that making good money wasn’t enough. I don’t mean it wasn’t enough to meet our basic needs. I…